Elon Musk announces birth of 14th child days after MAGA influencer claimed she’s the mother of his 13th

Elon Musk announces birth of 14th child days after MAGA influencer claimed she's the mother of his 13th

It comes just a week after the reveal of his last child

We were only just getting over the announcement of Elon Musk’s last child but just over a week later it’s come out that he’s had another, making it 14 overall and his fourth with this specific woman.

Just over a week ago it was revealed that Elon Musk had parented his 13th child with MAGA influencer Ashley St. Clair, as she claims that tabloids forced her to reveal the news herself.

While this particular child was born a few months ago, it was seemingly significant as St. Clair filed a lawsuit against Musk to claim sole custody of their child, claiming that he had only seen the child on three separate occasions since its birth alongside ‘disturbing’ texts.


Less than a week later though it’s come to light that Musk has seemingly had another child – his 14th overall – with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis, who has given birth to an additional three of his children.

“Discussed with Elon and, in light of beautiful Arcadia’s birthday, we felt it was better to also just share directly about our wonderful and incredible son Seldon Lycurgus,” Zilis revealed in a post on X, adding that he’s “built like a juggernaut, with a solid heart of gold.”

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Musk responded to this post with a solitary heart emoji, implicitly confirming the news to the world.

As reported by the Independent, Musk is a self-described ‘pronatalist’ who believes in having as many children as possible in order to “help the underpopulation crisis.”

The news contrastingly comes at a time of parental controversy for the Tesla CEO, as he’s not only facing backlash from St. Clair through her custody case, but former partner Grimes – who is the mother to three of his children – has issued multiple pleas on social media, which she claims she was forced to delete following a shadow ban.

Zilis already has three children with Musk: Strider, Azure, and Arcadia (X/@shivon)

Zilis already has three children with Musk: Strider, Azure, and Arcadia (X/@shivon)


The internet has had much to say about this latest news, with one particular Reddit thread filled with bemusement at the latest child.

“Is this the one that was recently revealed or a different one because… I don’t care enough to keep track of how many kids he has or who all the moms are,” remarks the top comment of the thread.

Another adds: “I wonder how many of his kids Elon could pick out of a line up? Take each of his offspring, put him/her next to four other kids of the same age and have Elon pick a kid.”

One ever goes as far to claim: “I’m convinced, Elon has wayyyy too much time on his hands,” and you certainly have to wonder where he finds it between his multiple companies and government duties.